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Auteur Sujet: How Not to Get Shot, By Lt. David L. Williams  (Lu 1758 fois)

24 février 2012 à 18:17:14
Lu 1758 fois

** Serge **

Un  article intéressant, un peu hors contexte en Europe occidentale ( mais, cela le deviendra ), qui pourra néanmoins permettre d'opérer des translations entre principes et techniques pour coller au mieux à nos réalités respectives.



David L. Williams served as a lieutenant on the Dayton, Ohio Police Department, where he retired. While on the Dayton PD, he was a supervisor and commander in charge of undercover drug units, uniformed strike forces and gang investigations. David has been involved in several shooting incidents and was awarded the Medal of Valor. He also conducted and supervised the investigation of many officer-involved and civilian shootings over the course of his career.

David is currently the director and chief instructor for Miami Valley Law Enforcement Training. He conducts OPOTA certified training for law enforcement and private security personnel. He conducts training for legally armed citizens with the program Deadly Force Decisions. © -2012 - David L. Williams

Cet article nous mène automatiquement à ce préambule du même auteur :
"The quality of your life is a direct reflection of the quality of your communication with yourself and others." - Anthony Robbins
"Communications without intelligence is noise; Intelligence without communications is irrelevant." ~ Gen. Alfred. M. Gray, USMC

24 février 2012 à 18:24:15
Réponse #1


Un  article intéressant, un peu hors contexte en Europe occidentale ( mais, cela le deviendra ), qui pourra néanmoins permettre d'opérer des translations entre principes et techniques pour coller au mieux à nos réalités respectives.



David L. Williams served as a lieutenant on the Dayton, Ohio Police Department, where he retired. While on the Dayton PD, he was a supervisor and commander in charge of undercover drug units, uniformed strike forces and gang investigations. David has been involved in several shooting incidents and was awarded the Medal of Valor. He also conducted and supervised the investigation of many officer-involved and civilian shootings over the course of his career.

David is currently the director and chief instructor for Miami Valley Law Enforcement Training. He conducts OPOTA certified training for law enforcement and private security personnel. He conducts training for legally armed citizens with the program Deadly Force Decisions. © -2012 - David L. Williams

Cet article nous mène automatiquement à ce préambule du même auteur :

Bon article qui couvre les points essentiel, l'avant, le pendant et l'après.



Keep in mind

Bienveillance, n.f. : disposition affective d'une volonté qui vise le bien et le bonheur d'autrui. (Wikipedia).

« [...] ce qui devrait toujours nous éveiller quant à l'obligation de s'adresser à l'autre comme l'on voudrait que l'on s'adresse à nous :
avec bienveillance, curiosité et un appétit pour le dialogue et la réflexion que l'interlocuteur peut susciter. »

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